Awesome dungeons for more exp
costs 20 exp - it's that kind of town like in every rpg (+1 exp per second)
costs 100 exp - oh noes /o\ it's so dark and dangerous... (+4 exp per second)
costs 500 exp - a swiftly flowing river. easily to cross but many creatures for exp-farming here (+22 exp per second)
costs 3000 exp - sand. nuff said (+123 exp per second)
costs 8000 exp - wow, nice view on the top! Take your time, but don't forget to kill ALL the monsters (+250 exp per second)
costs 15000 exp - water as far as the eye can reach. and about ten gulls. (+500 exp per second)
costs 40000 exp - an exotic island with a interessting flora and fauna (+1312 exp per second)
costs 111111 exp - it is cold here but you love it. lots of creatures to slay (+3333 exp per second)
costs 555555 exp - it drags you down in different ways (+16666 exp per second)
costs 1234567 exp - it's surreal - monsters you can't imagine (+22222 exp per second)